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LHG Mining has launched the company’s first Sustainability Report with the main initiatives, strategies and actions in the areas of environment, sustainability, production and investment of the mining company during 2023. The balance sheet also brings the goals for this year.

The sustainability agenda is among the priorities of the mining company, which recognizes the practice as one of the fundamental pillars for the valorization and sustainable growth of the business.

In addition, it cites as a commitment the implementation of tailings filtration to eliminate the need for a dam and the acquisition of new equipment to increase the energy efficiency of the works.

Currently, LHG Mining operates with a water recirculation rate of approximately 65%. According to the report, the expectation is to reach 90% recirculation with the operation at full capacity of the filtration plant in 2024.

The goal is to do all the processing of the ore dry – currently, water is used to wash 20% of the production.

Job Creation

In 2023, LHG Mining made significant investments in production, grew 156% compared to 2022 and expanded its workforce to approximately 1.3 thousand employees — added to the 900 employees already existing at the mining company.

During this time, LHG Mining implemented an agile and unbureaucratic governance structure, started to directly hire all its employees and set the foundations for the growth of production, already underway.

Last year, the mining company invested R$ 800 million in the acquisition of new production plants, trucks, mine equipment and the adoption of new technologies, among others. Production was 2.7 million tons/year and wants to reach 50 million tons/year in the medium term.

In one year, LHG Mining’s revenues reached the mark of R$ 3.3 billion, representing a significant growth of 150% compared to the previous year.


For 2024, the goal is to grow even more and focus on hiring local professionals. Corumbá, in Mato Grosso do Sul, is today one of the few Brazilian cities with a very low unemployment rate.

LHG Mining wants to improve ESG reporting through sustainability reporting, conduct face-to-face and video training for all employees, and maintain sponsorships, donations, and support for entities involved with our operations.

The mining company also aims to expand the fleet of large equipment, in addition to the energy efficiency of transportation. For example, 16 trucks with a capacity of 100 tons of cargo will replace 40 smaller trucks.


LHG Mining announced the donation of R$ 500,000 to the Instituto Moinho Cultural Sul Americano, which annually serves about 400 children and adolescents in vulnerable situations in the region of Corumbá, Ladário and Bolivia. The donation reinforces the company’s commitment to promoting culture and citizenship in the region and recognizes the importance of investing in initiatives that promote human and cultural development, strengthening ties with the communities where it operates.

Headquartered in Corumbá (Mato Grosso do Sul), the Instituto Moinho Cultural plays an important role for the region. The activities offered include classes in Dance, Music, Technology, Informatics, Culture and Literacy, Group of Coexistence and Strengthening of Bonds, among others.

The continuing education offered by Moinho Cultural lasts up to eight years, covering not only the artistic disciplines, but also contributing to the development of the participants. In addition, the institution also works in the training of creative interpreters for young people and adults, through the Pantanal Dance Company, the Pantanal Chamber Orchestra and the Technology Center.

Recently, Instituto Moinho Cultural received recognition as one of the 100 best NGOs in Brazil in 2023, winning the title of best institution in Mato Grosso do Sul. This distinction attests to the effectiveness and relevance of the work developed by the organization.

The resource comes from the Culture Incentive Law (Rouanet Law).



At the beginning of the month, the First Congress of Environmental Law was promoted by OAB Minas Gerais in partnership with the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais (FIEMG). LHG Mining lawyer Tagie Assenheimer, a specialist in Mining Law, was alongside more than 15 experts in the field to discuss paths to environmental safety.

“Having laws that establish limits and regulations for mining is important for the preservation of natural resources, the prevention of soil degradation, water conservation and the protection of endangered species are topics that should always be on the agenda,” said the lawyer.

During the two-day event, experts from all over Brazil also discussed other issues such as environmental regularization of rural properties; universalization of sanitation in the context of the new regulatory framework; ESG, SDGs and compliance as a strategy for organizations; technical and regulatory foundations of the energy transition; environmental governance and sustainability and climate change in scope.

  • By the end of 2023, an additional 300 individuals will join local operations
  • The company offers many opportunities in different areas
  • Capacity training and benefits are offered for operational and technical positions
  • Corumbá has a population of 120,000 people and is a development hub for the region

Corumbá – LHG Mining announces the hiring of 600 direct employees for mining operations in Mato Grosso do Sul and is working to bring add 300 individuals to its workforce by yearend. These job opportunities also include positions in Belo Horizonte (BH) and São Paulo (SP).

For the manganese operations, 100 new collaborators from different areas are concentrated on the Urucum mine. In iron mining, 500 trained and qualified individuals are working at the Santa Cruz mine.

““We are living in a new era here, there are many opportunities to start, specialize and grow”, says Claudio Alves, New Business Department at LHG Mining. The Human Resources area is trailblazing locally to ensure unique working conditions for its collaborators, as well as providing access to healthcare, education, and culture.

Corumbá (MS) has around 120,000 inhabitants and it is one of the oldest cities in Mato Grosso do Sul and considered the first development hub in the region. The city has the most important port in the state and one of the most important river ports in Brazil, because of the fact that it is located on the right bank of the Paraguay River and also on the triple borderline between Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia.

And if you want to know more details about the opportunities, see here.

Press office | 11 3047-2400

  • The 175,000 tons of iron ore shipped from the Nueva Palmira port, in Uruguay, arrive in China this week on a Capesize ship
  • The goal is to perform two similar operations per month
  • Around 600,000 tons of ore will be exported worldwide
  • Freight cost will be reduced by up to 15%

Uruguay – In an unprecedented initiative that directly involved more than 50 individuals, LHG Mining performed for the first time a transshipment operation that allowed shipment of iron ore from Corumbá (MS), in a single Capesize vessel.

Transport for export to the port of Nueva Palmira, in Uruguay, is carried out from the port of Gregório Curvo, in Corumbá (MS), via the waterway of the Paraguay and Paraná rivers. The operation carried out by LHG Mining is a milestone for the export of iron ore in that region since it has never before been possible to load such a large amount of ore onto a single vessel – in Nueva Palmira, Handymax, Panamax and Baby-cape vessels are loaded with quantities of up to 45,000 tons.

The climate and local environment were a few of the challenges faced by the team involved. Winds and waves can prevent or delay the loading of iron ore and each hour of delay increases operational, which is why the initiative was crucial for the next transshipment to take place at improved speed and at competitive costs.

In the near future, LHG Mining will carry out two operations similar to this per month and estimates to reduce the cost of maritime freight by up to 15%. In the coming months, with the resumption of operations at mines that were temporarily inactive, LHG Mining will be able to export around 600,000 tons per month worldwide.


Press Office

  • Hydroseeding equipment is already being used
  • Additional operational swiftness, reduced risk and costs are the main differentials
  • Another 11 hectares will be recovered in 2023

Corumbá The most robust equipment that will provide support to the Sustainability area in expanding the recovery of mined areas, has just arrived at the LHG operation in Corumbá (MS). The hydroseeding equipment allows for the spraying of seeds of native species from the Pantanal region directly on the slopes, granting faster recovery, with reduced risk to employees involved in the operations and at lower costs.

“Our goal is to recover 11.3 hectares in 2023. We already have a schedule programmed and approved by the local environmental agency which ensures the expansion of these works in the coming years”, stated Rodrigo Dutra Amaral, Director of Sustainability at LHG Mining.

This is one of the measures implemented this year, in addition to others already in progress, such as the Forestry Nursery, recognized by IBAMA as a pioneering initiative that promotes cultivation of native species, later used for replanting in mined areas. In 20 years, more than 2.5 million regional native seedlings have been produced. The project also has a seed bank that will allow for the conservation of these species in the future.

Since 2006, the Forest Nursery has enabled the recovery of more than 200 hectares of exploited areas – using 117 species of 94 genera and 36 botanical families – simultaneously LHG Mining is involved in the conservation of 1500 hectares of native vegetation through the acquisition and conservation of farms in the surrounding areas of its operations.

The sustainability and environment division at LHG Mining has 70 professionals dedicated to the operation in Corumbá (MS) alone and is active in all aspects that involve its local activity, such as water, sewage, waste management, recovery areas, among others.

Press Office | 11 3047-2400

  • The company hired 100 direct employees as part of its efforts to meet the resumption of manganese production, which could reach 450 thousand tons in 2023 alone
  • 80% of mined manganese ore is lump, with a grade of 42% manganese content, which is very rare worldwide
  • Alloy steel production and blast furnace heating are the most common destinations
  • 50% of the Corumbá operation fleet is being replaced by modern equipment for greater future production capacity

Corumbá – LHG Mining in Corumbá (MS) announces the immediate resumption of its manganese production at the Urucum underground mine, after intense work to recover the operational fleet, hiring and training 100 direct employees who have already completed their first cycle.

Over the year of 2023, manganese production should reach 450 thousand tons at the Urucum mine and could reach 600 thousand tons within a few months. Approximately 80% of extracted manganese ore is lump, with a 42% content grade, which is very rare worldwide and is used in the production of alloy steel and heating of blast furnaces.

Production destinations in 2023 are Brazil, Europe and China, yet the ore can be exported across the world, with quick operational response and at competitive costs.

Half of the Corumbá operation’s fleet – for iron ore and manganese – is being replaced by modern equipment in order to meet greater future production capacity. The other 50% of the equipment was renovated to meet production growth.

LHG Mining is conducting research in the region to ensure compliance with its sustainability guidelines for production expansion in mines such as São Domingos, Belgas and Figueirinha.


Press office | 11 3047-2400

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