LHG Mining participates in the I Congress of Environmental Law of OAB MG

At the beginning of the month, the First Congress of Environmental Law was promoted by OAB Minas Gerais in partnership with the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais (FIEMG). LHG Mining lawyer Tagie Assenheimer, a specialist in Mining Law, was alongside more than 15 experts in the field to discuss paths to environmental safety.
“Having laws that establish limits and regulations for mining is important for the preservation of natural resources, the prevention of soil degradation, water conservation and the protection of endangered species are topics that should always be on the agenda,” said the lawyer.
During the two-day event, experts from all over Brazil also discussed other issues such as environmental regularization of rural properties; universalization of sanitation in the context of the new regulatory framework; ESG, SDGs and compliance as a strategy for organizations; technical and regulatory foundations of the energy transition; environmental governance and sustainability and climate change in scope.